Washington Day Charter Rates and Information
The Daily Charter Rate is $250.00 Per Person for Salmon Fishing trips, $425.00 Per Person for Halibut/Lingcod Trips and $225.00 Per Person for Rockfish Trips.
Trips include; all bait tackle and equipment needed, fish cutting/filleting on the boat and bagging of catch for your trip home. We will leave in the morning near first safe light and return in the early afternoon. The boat will have a large tote/cooler with plenty of ice to keep the fish cold. There are also iced coolers for you to store food and beverages for the day. There is no need for you to bring your cooler to the boat, leave it in your vehicle for the trip home.
What you’ll need to bring. WDFW Saltwater fishinWhat you’ll need to bring. WDFW Saltwater fishing license and catch record card. Raingear or appropriate clothing and Rubber Boots. Hat, Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Food and Beverages for the day. For multiple day trips I can help arrange fish processing with Vac-u-pack and flash freezing of the catch.g license and catch record card. Raingear or appropriate clothing and Rubber Boots. Hat, Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Food and Beverages for the day. For multiple day trips I can help arrange fish processing with Vac-u-pack and flash freezing of the catch.